Rambling Reviews

There is no doubt about it, I should probably be going to meetings for my book addiction. Not only do I love reading, but I have this really bad habit of buying WAY more books than I could ever hope to read. But to me that's part of the fun. After all I never know what I'll be in the mood for so having a relatively large selection is justified, right? The thing that I love about reading is that it is a great way to escape the stress of everyday life. And best of all, I can do it pretty much anywhere! When I can't (or just flat out don't want to) cope with whatever life's handed my way I can just glide on over to my trusty bookshelf. From there I can decide if I want to go back in history, or on some thrilling hunt for a murderer, or have a steamy little fling with a hunk right out of a New Adult novel. Whatever mood strikes, I can transport myself there and get a break from the real life madness.
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